English I

The course / seminar is offered to students in preparation for the advanced level English 03 and English 04 courses. The desired level of English 01 is B2 ("GOOD" language proficiency) of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of the Council of Europe (CEFR). For students who do not have a B2 level English language certificate, the course / seminar provides the opportunity to prepare for B2 level language diplomas. This is a course without credits and without a final exam.

English II

The course / seminar, continuation of the course English 01, is offered to students in preparation for the advanced level courses English 03 and English 04. The desired level of English 01 is the B2 ("GOOD" knowledge of the language) of the Common European Framework of Reference for the Languages of the Council of Europe (CEFR). For students who do not have a B2 level English language certificate, the course / seminar provides the opportunity to prepare for B2 level language diplomas. This is a course without credits and without a final exam.

English III

Environmental terminology • Academic vocabulary • Grammar related to academic speech, text and lecture • Practicing academic lectures • Practicing self-assessment • Teaching texts for academic purposes • Examining articles related to the School. Students' grades are determined by the assignments and electronic tests they have taken during the semester in combination with the final exam. 3 ECTS

English IV

Environmental terminology • Academic vocabulary • Grammar related to academic speech, text and lecture • Practicing academic lectures • Practicing self-assessment • Teaching texts for academic purposes • Examining articles related to the School. The assignments and the electronic tests throughout the semester in combination with the final exam will determine the final grade of each student. 3 ECTS